Difference between revisions of "Anorexia anx/anx mutant mice"

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Measure DNA quantity/quality with Nanodrop.
Measure DNA quantity/quality with Nanodrop.
* yield was 60 - 1100 ng/ul genomic DNA.
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PCR master-mix: [https://www.promega.com/products/pcr/taq-polymerase/gotaq-master-mixes/?catNum=M7132 Promega Gotaq colorless master mix].  
PCR master-mix: [https://www.promega.com/products/pcr/taq-polymerase/gotaq-master-mixes/?catNum=M7132 Promega Gotaq colorless master mix].  
For 50 ul reaction:
For 50 λ reaction:
* 25 λ Gotaq
* 10 λ mixture of 5 uM forward/reverse Tyro3 primers
* 14 λ dH<sub>2</sub>O
* 1 λ of genomic DNA
PCR: 95C for 1min, then 30 cycles of: 95C for 1min, 72C for 2min. (note annealing and extension steps combined into 2 min at 72C).
PCR: 95C for 1min, then 30 cycles of: 95C for 1min, 72C for 2min. (note annealing and extension steps combined into 2 min at 72C).
2% agarose in TAE (2 g agarose in 100 ml TAE, microwave 2 min at 50% power; add 10 λ of SYBR safe 10000x while cooling). Make mini-gel with 12-tooth comb
load 10 λ of 50bp ladder; 10 λ of PCR product + 2 ul purple loading dye
2% agarose in TAE (2 g agarose in 100 ml TAE, microwave 2 min at 50% power; add 10 ul of SYBR safe 10000x)
run at 90V for 30 min (or 65V for 60 min for sharper bands). Red dye front migrates at about 370bp, similar to bromophenol blue.
load 10 ul of 50bp ladder; 10 ul of PCR product + 2 ul purple loading dye
====PCR clean-up====
run at 90V for 30 min
[https://omegabiotek.com/product/pcr-clean-up-kit-e-z-n-a-cycle-pure/ E.Z.N.A. Cycle Pure Kit (V-spin)] yields 30 λ in dH<sub>2</sub>O [ because worried about pH of dH<sub>2</sub>O, now trying kit elution buffer which I think is Tris-Cl pH 8.5]
===PCR clean-up===
Measure DNA quantity/quality with Nanodrop.
[https://omegabiotek.com/product/pcr-clean-up-kit-e-z-n-a-cycle-pure/ E.Z.N.A. Cycle Pure Kit (V-spin)] yields 30 ul in dH<sub>2</sub>0
* yield was 20 - 65 ng/λ clean PCR product
To get higher concentration of DNA for digest, repeat PCR using 1 λ of clean PCR product and clean up.
* yield was xxx - xxx ng/λ clean re-amplified PCR product
(could also pool repeated original PCR Rxns from genomic DNA, but that seems inefficient. Re-amplifying risks PCR artifacts/mutations, though ...)
* 1 λ [https://www.neb.com/en-us/products/r0126-nlaiv NlaIV] (2 units)
* 5 λ [https://www.neb.com/en-us/products/restriction-endonucleases/hf-nicking-master-mix-time-saver-other/restriction-endonucleases/cutsmart rCutSMart Buffer 10x]
* 1 ug clean Tyro 3 PCR product
* H<sub>2</sub>O to 50 λ
Incubate at 37 C for 1 hour, heat inactivate 65 C for 20 min.
NEBiolabs says to mix digest with purple dye with 0.5% SDS to separate protein from DNA. SDS may interfere with SYBR Safe if stain mixed in the gel, so may need to post-stain the gel.

Latest revision as of 15:21, 29 November 2024

Anorexia anx/anx mice Jackson Lab strain 000624.

Mutation mapped to a 0.2 cM interval residing between the markers D2Mit133 and Jojo5 chromosome 2 (Chr 2: bp 118, 889, 896–120, 175, 1081) (Lindfors et al., 2011).

Possible genes affected

Lindfors 2011 PMID 22025706: NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1a-subcomplex (Ndufaf1)

Kim 2017 PMID 28093506: tyrosine kinase receptor Tyro3 which they conclude is not the anx-mutation but a strain specific modifier of anx-phenotypes

Abnormalities Table

Tyro3 Genotyping

TYRO3 protein tyrosine kinase 3 (Tyro3) mutation (C19T-Tyro3 mutation) in anx/anx eliminates a NlaIV restriction site.

  • primers forward 5′-GATGGCGCTGAGGCGGAGCATG and reverse 5′-CGCGGCCGGAGGTCTGGCAG ; annealing temperature 72C
  • subsequent digestion with NlaIV
  • wildtype -> 175 bp fragment, anx/anx -> 250 bp product (eyeballing from Kim 2017)

Anx pcr kim 2017.png

Genotyping 1998 mice

  • 2024-1-17 Tyro3 primers ordered from FSU BIO Core

DNA extraction from tails/spleens

E.Z.N.A. Tissue DNA Kit yields 200 ul in elution buffer.

Measure DNA quantity/quality with Nanodrop.

  • yield was 60 - 1100 ng/ul genomic DNA.


PCR master-mix: Promega Gotaq colorless master mix.

For 50 λ reaction:

  • 25 λ Gotaq
  • 10 λ mixture of 5 uM forward/reverse Tyro3 primers
  • 14 λ dH2O
  • 1 λ of genomic DNA

PCR: 95C for 1min, then 30 cycles of: 95C for 1min, 72C for 2min. (note annealing and extension steps combined into 2 min at 72C).


2% agarose in TAE (2 g agarose in 100 ml TAE, microwave 2 min at 50% power; add 10 λ of SYBR safe 10000x while cooling). Make mini-gel with 12-tooth comb

load 10 λ of 50bp ladder; 10 λ of PCR product + 2 ul purple loading dye

run at 90V for 30 min (or 65V for 60 min for sharper bands). Red dye front migrates at about 370bp, similar to bromophenol blue.

PCR clean-up

E.Z.N.A. Cycle Pure Kit (V-spin) yields 30 λ in dH2O [ because worried about pH of dH2O, now trying kit elution buffer which I think is Tris-Cl pH 8.5]

Measure DNA quantity/quality with Nanodrop.

  • yield was 20 - 65 ng/λ clean PCR product


To get higher concentration of DNA for digest, repeat PCR using 1 λ of clean PCR product and clean up.

  • yield was xxx - xxx ng/λ clean re-amplified PCR product

(could also pool repeated original PCR Rxns from genomic DNA, but that seems inefficient. Re-amplifying risks PCR artifacts/mutations, though ...)


Incubate at 37 C for 1 hour, heat inactivate 65 C for 20 min.

NEBiolabs says to mix digest with purple dye with 0.5% SDS to separate protein from DNA. SDS may interfere with SYBR Safe if stain mixed in the gel, so may need to post-stain the gel.