Computers in the Houpt Lab
Computer | Location | IP address | MAC address |
Principia | 209 | 65 | 00:03:93:7c:43:02 |
Magnet | 209 | 73 | |
Tesla | 252 | 226 | |
Micrographia | 250 | (DHCP) | |
Vaio | 250 | 78 | |
G3 GelDoc | core | nc | |
HP 3005 Printer | 250 | 15 | |
BRF iMac | 115 | DHCP | |
Maglab iMac | Maglab | ??? |
Computer Hints
1. Acid Search from
Add a search channel for PubMed:
Add a search channel for Wikipedia:
Add a search channel for YouTube:
2. Add debug menu to Safari:
defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1
3. to make Safari pass PDFs to Preview instead of opening itself:
defaults write WebKitOmitPDFSupport -bool YES
(also remove Adobe PDF viewer from /Library/Internet Plug-Ins)
(could also try using Safari Enhancer)
4. To change the __MyCompanyName__ in Xcode (from MacOSXGuru.Net):
Open the ProjectBuilder preferences file (~/Library/Preferences/ or the Xcode one (~/Library/Preferences/ and edit the dictionary associated with the key PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions (create one if it does not exist, as child of the root node), edit or add the key ORGANIZATIONNAME, the associated string value will be used when PB creates new source files.
You could also do it via
- defaults write PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions '{ "ORGANIZATIONNAME" = "Behavioral Cybernetics";}'
- defaults write PBXCustomTemplateMacroDefinitions '{ "ORGANIZATIONNAME" = "Behavioral Cybernetics";}'
5. download stuffit expander
6. make iChat autoconnect
defaults write AutoAcceptVCInvitations -1
7. Making bootable backups:
sudo rsync -xrlptgoEv --progress --delete / /Volumes/Backup
or just use carbon copy cloner
8. Replace file extension of all files within a directory tree
find ~/MyDirectory -name '*.txt' -exec bash -c 'mv "{}" "`dirname "{}"`/`basename "{}" txt`xls"' \;
The first arg is the parent directory of the data. Find will recurse thru all sub-dirs. This command replaces ".txt" with ".xls"
DNS for home website
Install DNSUpdate to make sure the webserver's current ip address is sent to easyDNA
give the webserver a dedicated ip address within the range of ip address assigned by the Airport
Tell Airport to map public port 80 onto the web server address private port 80