DMX Orchiectomy and Butyrate-Enhanced CTA

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Test of role of testicular hormones in butyrate-enhanced CTA.

Orchiectomy and Butyrate-Enhanced CTA
HDAC Sex Difference
Expt CodeDMX
Start Date2024-5-20
InvestigatorsHoupt, Sullivan
FundingChair's Fund
Expt TypeCTA
Drugsbutyrate, lithium
Data Link

Dose of NaB based on Kwon and Houpt, Brain Research, 1333 (2010) 36–47, PMID: 20346924 PMCID: PMC2871962

  • 0.3 M Na Butyrate = 3.3g/100ml water (Sigma 303410-100g, pcode 102622007, source BCCJ6385)
  • 0.3 M NaCl = 1.8g/100ml water (osmotic control)


Raw Data Link


Jessica Sullivan


Rats arrive Male Sprague Dawley rats n = 16, d.o.b. 2024-3-18, arrived: 2024-5-14


  • DMX 1-8: Orchiectomy Surgery on 2024-6-19
  • DMX 9-16: Sham Surgery on 2024-6-21

Carpofen 0.5 mg/kg pre-op, isoflurane and bupivicaine intra-op, carpofen 0.5 mg/kg post-op (next day). Staples removed 7 days post-op. Sham rats received incision and staples.

Day 0: Water removed 2024-XX-XX

Days 1-8: Water Restriction 2024-XX-XX thru 2024-XX-XX

Weigh rats daily. Ad lib food.

30 min, 30 min, 15 min, 10 min water at 1530-1600 daily.

1 water bottle, 1 empty bottle to accustom to 2-bottle choice

Day 9: Conditioning Day 2024-XX-XX

  • 0-30 min: saccharin 0.125%
  • at 30 min: 3 ml/kg of 0.15M LiCl ip (all rats)
  • at 40 min: 12 ml/kg of 0.3M NaButyrate or 0.3M NaCl

ad lib water returned after final injection overnight.


  • ORC + LiCl + NaCl: DMX01-04
  • ORC + LiCl + Butyrate: DMX05-08
  • Sham + LiCl + NaCl: DMX09-12
  • Sham + LiCl + Butyrate: DMX13-16

Days 10 - 19: Preference Tests: 2024-XX-XX to XXXX

Rats CTA acquisition and extinction was measured with 24-h, 2-bottle preference tests (for ???? days). Rats were given 24-h free access to both 0.125% saccharin and water bottles, alternating position for 10 days.