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Extraction and Purification of DNA from Tail Biopsy

Tail Biopsy

Mice are first anesthetized in a bell jar with Isoflurane for ~20 sec, monitor animal closely and check with toe pinch before proceeding

Cycling Protocol

The below cycling protocol works for both DREADDs and the iCreER (TRAP2) allele.

  1. 95.0° for 2 min
  2. 95.0° for 20 sec
  3. 65.0° for 15 sec, -0.5° per cycle
  4. 72.0° for 10 sec
  5. Goto 2, 10 times
  6. 95.0° for 15 sec
  7. 60.0° for 15 sec
  8. 72.0° for 10 sec
  9. Goto 6, 30 times
  10. 72.0° for 5 min