GFA phospho-PDH and Taste Aversion

Revision as of 15:58, 4 February 2025 by Houpt (talk | contribs)

Examine levels of Phospho-Pyruvate Dehydrogenase (pPDH) by immunofluorescence in after intraoral conditioned taste aversion.

Based on Yang et al. 2024 PMID 38266644 and report by Roitman lab at SSIB 2024.

Employed SD-GFP-TH rats (Iacovitti et al 2014 PMID 25462571) from Taconic that express GFP under TH promoter with especially good expression in VTA.

For immunohistochemistry:

  • for c-Fos: GET Antibody specification and secondary from Jason's work

phospho-PDH and CTA
Taste Aversion
Expt CodeGFA
Start Date2024-12-3
InvestigatorsHoupt, Cote, Trombley, Blakemore
FundingChair's Fund
Expt TypeCTA
Data Link


Raw Data Link


Jason Cote (breeding), Laura Blakemore and Paul Trombley (colony foundation and management)

CTA Conditioning


Rats Arrive (December 3, 2024)

Rats (n=4 male, n=5 female, littermates, DOB: 7-???-2024) transferred from GFP-TH breeding protocol to individual cages.

Day 0: Surgery (December XXX, 2024)

Chronic Intraoral Catheters implanted under isoflurane anesthesia. All rats receive carprofen (XXX mg/kg) pre-operatively and 1 day post-op.

Days 1 - 3: Recovery (December XXXX - XXXX, 2024)

Weigh rats daily. Ad lib food and water. Carprofen (XXX mg/kg) on first day post-op.

Days 5-7: Habituation (December XXXX - XXXX, 2024)

Rats given intraoral infusion of 6 ml dH2O over 6 min to habituate to infusion procedure

Food removed on last day of habituation.

Noncontingent group: Half of rats injected with LiCl (0.15M, 12 ml/kg).

Day 8: Conditioning day 1 (December XXXX, 2024)

All rats given intraoral infusion of 6 ml sucrose 5% over 6 min.

Contingent group: Half of rats injected with LiCl (0.15M, 12 ml/kg).

Food returned overnight.

Day 9: Recovery Day (December XXXX, 2024)

Food removed.

Noncontingent group: Half of rats injected with LiCl (0.15M, 12 ml/kg).

Day 10: Conditioning day 2 (December XXXX, 2024)

All rats given intraoral infusion of 6 ml sucrose 5% over 6 min.

Contingent group: Half of rats injected with LiCl (0.15M, 12 ml/kg).

Food returned overnight.

Day 11: Recovery Day (December XXXX, 2024)

Food removed.

Noncontingent group: Half of rats injected with LiCl (0.15M, 12 ml/kg).

Day 12: Conditioning day 2 (December XXXX, 2024)

All rats given intraoral infusion of 6 ml sucrose 5% over 6 min.

Contingent group: Half of rats injected with LiCl (0.15M, 12 ml/kg).

Food returned overnight.

Day 13: Recovery Day (December XXXX, 2024)

Food removed.

Day 14: Expression Test (December XXXX, 2024)

All rats given intraoral infusion of 6 ml sucrose 5% over 6 min.

One hour after infusion, rats are overdosed with euthanasol and transcardially perfused. Brains postfixed for 1-2 hours, then stored in 0.1M PB.
