FluoroGold Doses
i.p. 1 mg/1 ml (0.1% solution = 10 mg/10 ml)
Brain: 0.25 µl (1% solution = 100mg/10 ml)
Gut wall: 10 µl (4% solution = 400mg/10ml)
50 mg/tube/1.25 ml = 4% solution = 1250 µl of 4% solution
Aliquot into 50 tubes of 25 µl each of 4% Fluorogold in saline.
Dilute 25µl aliqout by (FACTOR) by adding (SALINE) to final volume of (VOLUME) for (CONCENTRATION)
Factor | Saline | Volume | Concentration |
40 | 975 µl | 1000 µl | 0.1% |
4 | 75 µl | 100 µl | 1% |
0 | 0 | 25 µl | 4% |
Vagotomy Confirmation
Wait 3-5 days after i.p. injection, then perfuse and process for FG immuno using Chemicon antibody at 1:5000. Use standard immuno protocol with rabbit secondary antibody, ABC kit, and 5-min DAB reaction.