Kaolin (hydrated aluminum silicate) is used as an adsorbent to remove toxins. It is also used as the substrate for testing Pica, or clay-eating after an aversive treatment.
Recipe for making Kaolin blocks, based on Woods papers, I think:
- 99 g kaolin (Sigma K7375)
- 1 g gum arabic (Sigma G-9752)
- approx. 350 ml dH20
bake until dry.
Kaolin Pellets from Research Diets
Pricing for K50001 (1/2inch diameter pellet for rats and mice):
- 12.5 kg: $30/kg
- 25 kg: $25/kg
- 50 kg: $20/kg
- 100+ kg: $17/kg
- 250+ kg: $16/kg
- 500+ kg: $15/kg
(Research Diets 2011-4-20 also offered to make 3/16 inch pellets for guinea pigs, but I think we'll try the big pellets first.)