
Follow redirect from Perkin to new Revvity
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AG 501-X8 Resin  (Mixed bed resin for deionizing formamide), 100g, BioRad #143-7424, $323
AG 501-X8 Resin  (Mixed bed resin for deionizing formamide), 100g, BioRad #143-7424, $323
[ dATP-alphaS35], (250 uCi vial = 20 ul) [ Perkin Elmer] #NEG034H250UC  $172
[ dATP-alphaS35], (250 uCi vial = 20 ul) [ Perkin Elmer] #NEG034H250UC  $172
:made first Tuesday of every month
:made first Tuesday of every month
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Formamide Ultrapure, 500g bottle, Invitrogen #15515026 $97
Formamide Ultrapure, 500g bottle, Invitrogen #15515026 $97
High Prime DNA Labeling Kit, 50 reactions, Roche Applied Science, #11585584001 $333
'''For cDNA ISH:''' High Prime DNA Labeling Kit, 50 reactions, Roche Applied Science, #11585584001 $333
'''For Oligo ISH:''' Terminal Transferase Tail-Labeling Kit,
ProbeQuant G-50 micro spin columns, 50 pack, GE Healthcare, # 28-9034-08 $199
ProbeQuant G-50 micro spin columns, 50 pack, GE Healthcare, # 28-9034-08 $199
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'''DTT (dithiothreitol)'''
'''DTT (dithiothreitol)'''
Aka Cleland's reagent; prevents oxidation of thiol groups and breaks down disulfide bonds.
Aka Cleland's reagent; prevents oxidation of thiol groups and breaks down disulfide bonds.
==Buffer Amounts==
* Denature salmon sperm by boiling for 10 minutes.
* Put DTT in foil-covered scintillation vial.
* Add SSC, formamide, TED, salmon sperm, & Denharts solution.
* Vortex. Keep heated at 55° C on heater block until use.
<tab class="wikitable" sep="tab" border = "1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding = "3" head = top>
10 ml - - - 8 ml - - - 5 ml - - - 4 ml - - - 3 ml - - - 2 ml - -
150 mg DTT 120 mg DTT 75 mg DTT 60 mg DTT 45 mg DTT 30 mg DTT
1.0 ml SSC 20x 800 ml SSC 20x 500 µl SSC 20x 400 µl SSC 20x 300 µl SSC 20x 200 µl SSC 20x
6.0 ml Formamide 4.8 ml Formamide 3.0 ml Formamide 2.4 ml Formamide 1.8 ml Formamide 1.2 ml Formamide
2.0 ml TED 5x 1.6 ml TED 5x 1 ml TED 5x 800 µl TED 5x 600 µl TED 5x 400 µl TED 5x
1.6 ml Salmon Sperm 1.28 ml Salmon Sperm 800 µl Salmon Sperm 640 µl Salmon Sperm 480 µl Salmon Sperm 320 µl Salmon Sperm
800 µl Denharts 50x 640 µl Denharts 50x 400 µl Denharts 50x 320 µl Denharts 50x 240 µl Denharts 50x 160 µl Denharts 50x
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===Oligo ISH===
===Oligo ISH===
Reference: Swart, I., J.M. Overton, and T.A. Houpt. Hypothalamic NPY, AGRP and POMC mRNA responses to leptin and refeeding in mice. Am. J. Physiol. 283 (2002) R1020-R1026. PMID 12376393.
Prepare probes by [[Oligo Tail Labeling]].
Coronal 40 micron sections were cut on a sliding freezing microtome through the rostral caudal extent of the hypothalamus. Alternate sections were placed into ice-cold 2x SSC (SSC = 0.15M NaCl/0.015M Na Citrate). Free floating tissue sections were prehybridized in glass vials in 1ml of 60% formamide, 0.02 M Tris pH7.4, 1mM EDTA, 10% dextran sulfate, 0.8% Ficoll, 0.8% PVP, 0.8% BSA, 2x SSC, 0.1M dithiothreitol, and 1.6 mg/mL herring sperm DNA for 2h at 37°C. After 2h prehybridization, radiolabeled probe was added (~1.0 x 107 cpm/vial) and incubated for 16-20h at 37°C. Hybridization was performed with either tail labeled prepro NPY (ppNPY) antisense oligonucleotide (bases 59-88), agouti-related protein (AGRP) antisense oligonucleotide (bases 1-45) or proopiomelanocortin (POMC) antisense oligonucleotide (bases 482-517). The oligonucleotides were tail-labeled to approximately equal specific activities (~10^7 cpm/100ng) with 35S-dATP by terminal transferase reaction (Roche),  Sections were then sequentially rinsed in 2x SSC, 1x SSC and 0.5x SSC for 10 minutes at 37°C. The tissue sections were mounted from 0.05M sodium phosphate onto gelatin- coated slides, air dried, and exposed to autoradiographic film (β-max, Amersham) for 2-3 days. Tissue sections from different groups were hybridized in parallel and exposed to film together to ensure that in situ hybridization was carried out on representative members of each experimental group at the same time under identical conditions, allowing direct comparison of mRNA expression.
===Quantification of ISH===
===Quantification of ISH===
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Note that the ceiling or maximal level of expression may vary across regions, even for the same gene product. For example, the MR has a lower and sparser expression of 5HTT and Pet-1 mRNA than the DR under baseline conditions. Thus the dynamic range of MR cells may be lower than cells in the DR, and an increase in expression within the MR may be detected as an increase in area rather than in density.  The physiological bases for the heterogenity in baseline and stimulated levels of gene expression within the raphe nuclei is a profound topic, to which this paper makes a small contribution with respect to estrogen effects.
Note that the ceiling or maximal level of expression may vary across regions, even for the same gene product. For example, the MR has a lower and sparser expression of 5HTT and Pet-1 mRNA than the DR under baseline conditions. Thus the dynamic range of MR cells may be lower than cells in the DR, and an increase in expression within the MR may be detected as an increase in area rather than in density.  The physiological bases for the heterogenity in baseline and stimulated levels of gene expression within the raphe nuclei is a profound topic, to which this paper makes a small contribution with respect to estrogen effects.