
332 bytes added ,  13:25, 16 September 2013
added length of YFP and R18
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Thy-1 Promoter paper: PMID 11086982
Thy-1 Promoter paper: PMID 11086982
YFP is 239 amino acids long (717 bp) according to plasmid map of Invitrogen [ Vivid ColorsTM pcDNATM/6.2 N-terminal EmGFP/YFP-DEST vectors] see p, 28 of the manual. R18 is 21 amino acids long (63 bp), so total YFP-R18 fusion protein should be ~ 260 amino acids (780 bp).
Vogt, Peggy, [ "Exploring the Function of 14-3-3 Proteins in Neurodegenerative Disease"] (2011). Honors Theses. Paper 42.
Vogt, Peggy, [ "Exploring the Function of 14-3-3 Proteins in Neurodegenerative Disease"] (2011). Honors Theses. Paper 42.
C. Sun, H. Qiao, Q. Zhou, Y. Wang, Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, et al., Modulation of GluK2a Subunit-containing Kainate Receptors by 14-3-3 Proteins, J Biol Chem. 288 (2013) 24676–24690. PMID 23861400
C. Sun, H. Qiao, Q. Zhou, Y. Wang, Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, et al., Modulation of GluK2a Subunit-containing Kainate Receptors by 14-3-3 Proteins, J Biol Chem. 288 (2013) 24676–24690. PMID 23861400