
updated applescript, and fixed some typos
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the user interface will not ask to confirm non-conflicts, but only ask questions about conflicts
if "auto" is set the user interface will not ask to confirm non-conflicts, but only ask questions about conflicts
the user interface will ask no questions at all; non-conlficts will be propogated, conflicts will be skipped
if "batch" is set the user interface will ask no questions at all; non-conlficts will be propogated, conflicts will be skipped
the textual interface will porint nothing at ell, except errors (automatically sets -batch TRUE)
if "silent", the textual interface will porint nothing at ell, except errors (automatically sets -batch TRUE)
synchronize the modification times?
"times" synchronizes the modification times?
-ignore 'Name .DS_Store"
if "terse" is set, status messages are not reported, so only conflicts are reported.
-ignore 'Name .DS_Store"
Unison will ignore all files with the name .DS_Store (On Mac OS X,  .DS_Store files encode only trivial appearance stuff like icon position, but .DS_Store files are changed everytime a folder is opened so frequently generate irrelevant conflicts.)
Unison will ignore all files with the name .DS_Store (On Mac OS X,  .DS_Store files encode only trivial appearance stuff like icon position, but .DS_Store files are changed everytime a folder is opened so frequently generate irrelevant conflicts.)
To avoid opening the terminal window, create the following AppleScript and save as an application.
To avoid opening the terminal window, create the following AppleScript and save as an application.
  do shell script "unison /User/houpt/uniDisk ssh:// -ui text -batch -times -ignore 'Name .DS_Store' "
  set resultsText to do shell script "unison /Users/houpt/uniDisk ssh:// -ui text -batch -times -terse -ignore 'Name .DS_Store'"
-- display the results text in a new TextEdit window
-- note that if "-terse" is set, then unison only returns a result if there are conflicts
tell application "TextEdit"
set NewDoc to make new document
if (0 is length of resultsText) then
set text of NewDoc to (date string of (current date)) & (time string of (current date)) & return & return & "Unison reports no conflicts."
set text of NewDoc to (date string of (current date)) & (time string of (current date)) & return & return & resultsText
end if
end tell
Results of the synch will be silent, but will be stored in the "unison.log" file. If there are conflicts to be resolved, then the applescript will post a dialog window.
Results of the synch will be silent, but will be stored in the "unison.log" file. If there are conflicts to be resolved, then the applescript will post a TextEdit window.