
→‎AppleScript: revised with error code; added script to zip Scrivener projects before unison sync
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To avoid opening the terminal window, create the following AppleScript and save as an application.
To avoid opening the terminal window, create the following AppleScript and save as an application.
set resultsText to do shell script "unison /Users/houpt/uniDisk ssh:// -ui text -batch -times -terse -ignore 'Name .DS_Store'"
            -- add "-terse" if you want less verbose results
            set resultsText to do shell script "unison /Users/houpt/uniDisk ssh:// -ui text -batch -times -ignore 'Name .DS_Store'"
        on error errStr number errorNumber
            set unisonResultCodeString to (errStr & return & return & "Result: number " & errorNumber & return & return)
            if (errorNumber is equal to 0) then
                set resultsText to (unisonResultCodeString & "Successful synchronization; everything is up-to-date now")
            else if (errorNumber is equal to 1) then
                set resultsText to (unisonResultCodeString & "Some files were skipped, but all file transfers were successful.")
            else if (errorNumber is equal to 2) then
                set resultsText to (unisonResultCodeString & "Non-fatal failures occurred during file transfer.")
            else if (errorNumber is equal to 3) then
                set resultsText to (unisonResultCodeString & "A fatal error occurred, or the execution was interrupted.")
                set resultsText to unisonResultCodeString
            end if
        end try
  -- display the results text in a new TextEdit window
-- note that if "-terse" is set, then unison only returns a result if there are conflicts
        display alert "Unison completed sync" giving up after 2
tell application "TextEdit"
        -- display the results text in a new TextEdit window
set NewDoc to make new document
        tell application "TextEdit"
if (0 is length of resultsText) then
set text of NewDoc to (date string of (current date)) & (time string of (current date)) & return & return & "Unison reports no conflicts."
            set NewDoc to make new document
            if (0 is length of resultsText) then
set text of NewDoc to (date string of (current date)) & (time string of (current date)) & return & return & resultsText
                set text of NewDoc to (date string of (current date)) & " " & (time string of (current date)) & return & return & "Unison reports no conflicts."
end if
end tell
                set text of NewDoc to (date string of (current date)) & " " &(time string of (current date)) & return & return & resultsText
            end if
        end tell
  tell me to quit
  tell me to quit
Results of the synch will be silent, but will be stored in the "unison.log" file. If there are conflicts to be resolved, then the applescript will post a TextEdit window.
Results of the synch will be stored in the "unison.log" file, and the applescript will display results in a TextEdit window.
===Unison With Scrivener===
Scrivener stores its projects as bundles (i.e. folders). Because Unison does not sync modification times of folders, changes to Scrivener projects do not get properly propagated. To get around this, I use this more complicated AppleScript to zip up any Scrivener projects -- the zipped file gets propagated properly, with the Scrivener project modification times properly preserved and transmitted. Needless to say, this is a hack; but I really want to sync my Scrivener projects on multiple machines!
--  AppDelegate.applescript
--  SyncUniDisk
--  Created by Tom Houpt on 12/12/28.
--  Copyright (c) 2012 Tom Houpt. All rights reserved.
  script AppDelegate
        property parent : class "NSObject"
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
-- Insert code here to initialize your application before any files are opened
        -- to handle incompatibilities of Unison file-synching with Scrivener's use of bundles for files
        -- T.A. Houpt, 2014-1-22
        -- find all Scrivener "*.scriv" files (actually bundles) and zip them up
        -- then rename original file as "*.scriv YYYYMMDD hhmmss"
        -- then call unison in batch mode
        -- post an alert that we finished syncing
        -- display the unison results in a TextEdit window
        -- (we could unzip any * files, but we do the unzipping manually for the moment)
        set allScrivenerFileNames to do shell script "find '/Users/houpt/uniDisk' -name '*.scriv' -print"
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
        set scrivenerFileRecords to text items of allScrivenerFileNames
        -- zip all the .scriv files
        -- for each .scriv file we found:
        --  1) delete previous zip file if it exists
        --  2) zip the .scriv file
        --  3) if we created the zip file, rename the "*.scriv" file as "*.scriv YYYYMMDD hhmmss"
        repeat with aRecord in scrivenerFileRecords
            if length of aRecord is greater than 0 then
                set scrivenerFile to aRecord
                set filePath to quoted form of scrivenerFile
                set zipFile to quoted form of (scrivenerFile & ".zip")
                -- if there is a previous zip file, then delete it
                set existsResults to do shell script "[ -e " & zipFile & " ] && echo 'Found' || echo 'Not found'"
                if (existsResults is "Found") then
                    do shell script "rm -f " & filePath
                end if
                do shell script "zip -r  " & zipFile & " " & filePath
                -- if the file was zipped, then rename the original file with date & time
                set existsResults to do shell script "[ -e " & zipFile & " ] && echo 'Found' || echo 'Not found'"
                if (existsResults is "Found") then
                    set {year:y, month:m, day:d, hours:h, minutes:mi, seconds:s} to (current date)
                    set dateNumber to y * 10000 + m * 100 + d
                    set timeNumber to h * 10000 + mi * 100 + s
                    set newFilePath to quoted form of (scrivenerFile & " " & dateNumber & " " & timeNumber)
                    do shell script "mv " & filePath & " " & newFilePath
                end if
            end if
        end repeat
        on error errStr number errorNumber
            set zipErrorString to ("Zip Error: " & errStr & " number " & errorNumber)
            display alert zipErrorString giving up after 10
        end try
            -- -terse
            set resultsText to do shell script "unison /Users/houpt/uniDisk ssh:// -ui text -batch -times  -ignore 'Name .DS_Store'"
        on error errStr number errorNumber
            set unisonResultCodeString to (errStr & return & return & "Result: number " & errorNumber & return & return)
            if (errorNumber is equal to 0) then
                set resultsText to (unisonResultCodeString & "Successful synchronization; everything is up-to-date now")
            else if (errorNumber is equal to 1) then
                set resultsText to (unisonResultCodeString & "Some files were skipped, but all file transfers were successful.")
            else if (errorNumber is equal to 2) then
                set resultsText to (unisonResultCodeString & "Non-fatal failures occurred during file transfer.")
            else if (errorNumber is equal to 3) then
                set resultsText to (unisonResultCodeString & "A fatal error occurred, or the execution was interrupted.")
                set resultsText to unisonResultCodeString
            end if
        end try
        display alert "Unison completed sync" giving up after 2
        -- display the results text in a new TextEdit window
        tell application "TextEdit"
            set NewDoc to make new document
            if (0 is length of resultsText) then
                set text of NewDoc to (date string of (current date)) & " " & (time string of (current date)) & return & return & "Unison reports no conflicts."
                set text of NewDoc to (date string of (current date)) & " " &(time string of (current date)) & return & return & resultsText
            end if
        end tell
        tell me to quit
    end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
    on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
          -- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits
        return current application's NSTerminateNow
    end applicationShouldTerminate_
end script