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Second cohort to test of role of testicular hormones in butyrate-enhanced CTA, follow-up to [[DMX Orchiectomy and Butyrate-Enhanced CTA]].

Mukherjee showed that HDAC inhibitors butyrate and calproate enchanced CTA in male but not female rats. Ovariectomy did not make female rats sensitive, so testing if orchiectomy reduces sensitivity of male rats.

{{Infobox experiment|align=right
| Name = Orchiectomy and Butyrate 2
| project = HDAC Sex Difference
| code = DMY
| protocol = 202200000006
| funding = Chair's Fund
| investigators = Mukeherjee, Bass, Houpt
| species = rat
| date = 2024-8-6
| type = CTA
| drugs = butyrate, lithium
| artifacts =
| data =

Dose of NaB based on [ Kwon and Houpt, Brain Research, 1333 (2010) 36–47], PMID 20346924 [ PMCID: PMC2871962]

* 0.15 M LiCl = 3.18g / 500ml water
* 0.3 M Na Butyrate = 3.3g/100ml water (Sigma 303410-100g, pcode 102622007, source BCCJ6385)
* 0.3 M NaCl = 1.8g/100ml water (osmotic control)



'''[ Raw Data Link]'''


Mukherjee, Bass, Houpt


'''Rats arrive'''
Male Sprague Dawley rats n = 16, d.o.b. 2024-XXX-XX, arrived: 2024-8-6


* DMY 1-8: Orchiectomy Surgery on 2024-
* DMY 9-16: Sham Surgery on 2024-

Orchiectomy as per Sophocles and Idris 2019 PMID 30729469

Sham rats received incision and staples.

Carpofen 0.5 mg/kg pre-op, isoflurane and bupivicaine intra-op, carpofen 0.5 mg/kg post-op (next day). Staples removed 7 days post-op.

'''Day 0: Water removed 2024-XX-XX'''


'''Days 1-6: Water Restriction 2024-XX-XX thru 2024-XX-XX'''

Weigh rats daily. Ad lib food.

30 min, 30 min, 30 min, 30 min, 30 min, 10 min water at 1415 daily.

1 water bottle, 1 empty bottle to accustom to 2-bottle choice


'''Day 7: Conditioning Day 2024-XX-XX'''

* 0-30 min: saccharin 0.125%

* at 30 min: 3 ml/kg of 0.15M LiCl ip (all rats)

* at 40 min: 12 ml/kg of 0.3M NaButyrate or 0.3M NaCl

ad lib water returned after final injection overnight.


* ORC + LiCl + NaCl: DMX01-04
* ORC + LiCl + Butyrate: DMX05-08
* Sham + LiCl + NaCl: DMX09-12
* Sham + LiCl + Butyrate: DMX13-15


'''Days 8 - ???: Preference Tests: 2024-XX-XX to XXXX'''

Rats CTA acquisition and extinction was measured with 24-h, 2-bottle preference tests (for ???? days). Rats were given 24-h free access to both 0.125% saccharin and water bottles, alternating position for ??? days.

[[Category:Taste Aversion]]
[[Category:CTA Experiments]]