GC Anti-Motion Sickness DRC take 2

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Repeat of Dose response curve for pretreatment with anti-motion sickness (Scopolamine HBr) before magnet

Note: DRC followup from expt GA (Scopolamine HBr 5mg/ml/kg 30 minutes prior to magnet exposure)

Note: Scopolamine HBr acts both centrally and peripherally; Scopolamine Methyl Nitrate acts only peripherally.

Golding JF. Motion sickness susceptibility. Auton Neurosci. 2006 Oct 30;129(1-2):67-76. Epub 2006 Aug 23. Review. PMID 16931173

Xu-Hong Yu. A novel animal model for motion sickness and its first application in rodents. Physiology & Behavior 2007; DOI

-Subjects: 12 female Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 200-275g

- 2 groups (group 1: n = 6; group 2: n = 6);

drug/sac/magnet- Scopolamine HBr 0.5mg/ml/kg pretreatment 30 minutes prior to attenuate effects of magnetic field exposure
drug/sac/magnet- Scopolamine HBr 1.0mg/ml/kg pretreatment 30 minutes prior to attenuate effects of magnetic field exposure

-All rats water-restricted for 8 days (after 3+ days of habituation to colony room):

Day 1 = water off
Days 2 and 3 = 3 h H2O access
Days 4 and 5 = 1 h H2O access
Days 6 and 7 = 30 min H2O access
Days 8 and 9 = 10 min H2O access

-Rats weighed on conditioning day to determine drug dose.

-Conditioning day (10):

Rats will be injected with either scopolamine dose 30 minutes before saccharin.

All rats will receive 10-min access to a bottle of 0.125% saccharin solution in home cage.

Immediately after saccharin, rats are restrained and placed in 14.1T magnet or sham tube for 30 min.

Upon removal, rats are videotaped for 2 min in guinea pig cage.

At the end of the day, rats are given ad lib water back overnight.

-Extinction days (14+):

All rats will receive 24-hour 2-bottle access to both water and saccharin. Bottles will be refilled with fresh water or saccharin daily and weighed before and after access each day to determine consumption. The water and saccharin bottles will alternate sides in the cage each day to prevent and detect place preferences.