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226 bytes added ,  08:33, 8 July 2022
Replaced non-functioning colon-indentation with spaces (2 per colon).
Line 21: Line 21:  
  <nowiki>class DataCell:public Object {
  <nowiki>class DataCell:public Object {
::AnovaDataSet *data_set;  // belongs to this AnovaDataSet
    AnovaDataSet *data_set;  // belongs to this AnovaDataSet
::Boolean missing; // TRUE if this cell is not represented...
    Boolean missing; // TRUE if this cell is not represented...
::LineOfCells *row, *column;  
    LineOfCells *row, *column;  
:::// this cell belongs to this row and this column
      // this cell belongs to this row and this column
:::// so it is the intersection of this row and column
      // so it is the intersection of this row and column
::unsigned long n; // number of observations in this cell (X)
    unsigned long n; // number of observations in this cell (X)
::double *observations; // array of observation values
    double *observations; // array of observation values
::unsigned long arraySize; // current size of the array
    unsigned long arraySize; // current size of the array
:::// observations are "1"-indexed within this array
      // observations are "1"-indexed within this array
::double total; // sum of all observations in this cell
    double total; // sum of all observations in this cell
::double mean; // mean of all observations in this cell
    double mean; // mean of all observations in this cell
::double unbiased_variance; //  sum of squares of observations divided by n-1
    double unbiased_variance; //  sum of squares of observations divided by n-1
::double biased_variance; // sum of squares of observations divided by n
    double biased_variance; // sum of squares of observations divided by n
::double deviation; // unbiased standard deviation
    double deviation; // unbiased standard deviation
::DataCell(); // constructor to make the  cell;  
    DataCell(); // constructor to make the  cell;  
::://initializes the array of observations to CELL_PAGE_SIZE
      //initializes the array of observations to CELL_PAGE_SIZE
::~DataCell(); // destructor that deallocates the array of observations
    ~DataCell(); // destructor that deallocates the array of observations
::void AddObservation(double datum); // set the i-th observation to this value
    void AddObservation(double datum); // set the i-th observation to this value
::void Update(void); // recalculate the mean and the deviation
    void Update(void); // recalculate the mean and the deviation
   Line 74: Line 74:  
  <nowiki>class LineOfCells:public Object {
  <nowiki>class LineOfCells:public Object {
:// could be a row of cells or a column of cells
  // could be a row of cells or a column of cells
::char name[256]; // name of this line of cells
    char name[256]; // name of this line of cells
::AnovaDataSet *data_set; // belongs to this data set
    AnovaDataSet *data_set; // belongs to this data set
::ListObject *cells; // these cells are in this line
    ListObject *cells; // these cells are in this line
::double total; // total of all observations in this line
    double total; // total of all observations in this line
::double mean; // mean of all observations in this line
    double mean; // mean of all observations in this line
::double deviation; // deviation of all observations in this line
    double deviation; // deviation of all observations in this line
::double obs_n; // number of observations in this line of cells
    double obs_n; // number of observations in this line of cells
::double mean_of_cell_means;
    double mean_of_cell_means;
::double deviation_of_cell_means;
    double deviation_of_cell_means;
::LineOfCells(); // constructor with the name of the line
    LineOfCells(); // constructor with the name of the line
::~LineOfCells(); // destructor to deallocate the list object
    ~LineOfCells(); // destructor to deallocate the list object
::void Update(void); // update all the means & standard deviations
    void Update(void); // update all the means & standard deviations
Line 115: Line 115:       −
:// of course, need to put in textual labels, etc...  
  // of course, need to put in textual labels, etc...  
::char name[256]; // name of the data set
    char name[256]; // name of the data set
::unsigned long num_of_rows;
    unsigned long num_of_rows;
::unsigned long num_of_columns;
    unsigned long num_of_columns;
::ListObject *cells; // all cell objects
    ListObject *cells; // all cell objects
::ListObject *rows; // LineOfCells objects
    ListObject *rows; // LineOfCells objects
::ListObject *columns; // LineOfCells objects
    ListObject *columns; // LineOfCells objects
:::// the lists of cell, rows, and columns are "1" indexed
      // the lists of cell, rows, and columns are "1" indexed
::double grand_total; // overall sum of all observations in all cells
    double grand_total; // overall sum of all observations in all cells
::double grand_N; // overall number of observations in all the cells:::
    double grand_N; // overall number of observations in all the cells:::
::double grand_mean; // mean of all the observations in all the cells
    double grand_mean; // mean of all the observations in all the cells
::double grand_SS;
    double grand_SS;
::double grand_biased_variance; // SS_total divided by grand_N; multiply by grand_N to get SS_total  
    double grand_biased_variance; // SS_total divided by grand_N; multiply by grand_N to get SS_total  
::double grand_deviation; // biased standard deviation of all observations
    double grand_deviation; // biased standard deviation of all observations
::double mean_of_cell_means;
    double mean_of_cell_means;
::double deviation_of_cell_means;
    double deviation_of_cell_means;
::AnovaResultsTable results_table;
    AnovaResultsTable results_table;
::AnovaDataSet(char *new_name);
    AnovaDataSet(char *new_name);
::~AnovaDataSet(); // destructor to deallocate the ListObjects,
    ~AnovaDataSet(); // destructor to deallocate the ListObjects,
:::::// and tell the cells, rows and columns to destroy themselves too
          // and tell the cells, rows and columns to destroy themselves too
::void SetUpCells(void);
    void SetUpCells(void);
::void SetUpRowsAndColumns(void);
    void SetUpRowsAndColumns(void);
::void Update(void);
    void Update(void);
::void ReadDataFromFile(void);
    void ReadDataFromFile(void);
:::// need to add some API glue so that outside routines can add cells, rows, and columns  
      // need to add some API glue so that outside routines can add cells, rows, and columns  
::void UpdateAnovaResultsTable(void);
    void UpdateAnovaResultsTable(void);
::// internal routines for calculating the ANOVA
    // internal routines for calculating the ANOVA
::double GetSSWithinCells(void);
    double GetSSWithinCells(void);
::double GetSSBetweenCells(void);
    double GetSSBetweenCells(void);
::double GetSSBetweenLinesOfCells(ListObject *lineList,unsigned long num_of_cells,double *variance);
    double GetSSBetweenLinesOfCells(ListObject *lineList,unsigned long num_of_cells,double *variance);
::double GetSSBetweenRows(void);
    double GetSSBetweenRows(void);
::double GetSSBetweenColumns (void);
    double GetSSBetweenColumns (void);
::double GetSSBetweenInteraction(void);
    double GetSSBetweenInteraction(void);
::double GetMSWithinCells(void);
    double GetMSWithinCells(void);
::double GetMSBetweenCells(void);
    double GetMSBetweenCells(void);
::double GetMSBetweenRows(void);
    double GetMSBetweenRows(void);
::double GetMSBetweenColumns (void);
    double GetMSBetweenColumns (void);
::double GetMSBetweenInteraction(void);
    double GetMSBetweenInteraction(void);
::double GetNumCells(void);
    double GetNumCells(void);
::double GetDfTotal(void);
    double GetDfTotal(void);
::double GetDfWithinCells(void);
    double GetDfWithinCells(void);
::double GetDfError(void);
    double GetDfError(void);
::double GetDfBetweenCells(void);
    double GetDfBetweenCells(void);
::double GetDfBetweenRows(void);
    double GetDfBetweenRows(void);
::double GetDfBetweenColumns(void);
    double GetDfBetweenColumns(void);
::double GetDfBetweenInteraction(void);
    double GetDfBetweenInteraction(void);
:://interface with data table...
    //interface with data table...
::void Read2WayDataFromDataTable(DataTable dt,AnovaParameters factors);
    void Read2WayDataFromDataTable(DataTable dt,AnovaParameters factors);
      Line 265: Line 265:       −
::double DF_between_groups;
    double DF_between_groups;
::double cell_SS_within;
    double cell_SS_within;
::double cell_DF_within; // aka DF_error
    double cell_DF_within; // aka DF_error
::double cell_MS_within;
    double cell_MS_within;
::double cell_variance;
    double cell_variance;
::double cell_SS_between;
    double cell_SS_between;
::double cell_DF_between;
    double cell_DF_between;
::double cell_MS_between;
    double cell_MS_between;
::double row_variance;
    double row_variance;
::double row_SS_between;
    double row_SS_between;
::double row_DF_between;
    double row_DF_between;
::double row_MS_between;
    double row_MS_between;
::double row_F;
    double row_F;
::double row_p;
    double row_p;
::double col_variance;
    double col_variance;
::double col_SS_between;
    double col_SS_between;
::double col_DF_between;
    double col_DF_between;
::double col_MS_between;
    double col_MS_between;
::double col_F;
    double col_F;
::double col_p;
    double col_p;
::double inter_SS_between;
    double inter_SS_between;
::double inter_DF_between;
    double inter_DF_between;
::double inter_MS_between;
    double inter_MS_between;
::double inter_F;
    double inter_F;
::double inter_p;
    double inter_p;

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